Friday, November 2, 2012

Managing Internal Requests for Funding
Many of my colleagues in health care or hospital shops receive several requests throughout the year by directors in the various departments that serve their organization.  What is a good plan for handling those requests?

The best way I have found to do this consistently is to set a date for submissions and develop steps to the process where everyone is heard and given consideration respectfully. 

Here are some steps that may help you develop your submission plan:

1.       Create a “wish list” form

2.       Have it vetted by your CEO

3.       A couple of months prior to your budget planning have the forms filled out by your department directors

4.       The CEO then prioritizes list according to the strategic plan

5.       Then take prioritized list to your board

6.       They choose one or all of the projects for their fundraising project and assign it the time deemed necessary for successful completion

7.       You can communicate their decisions as you wish back to the directors/CEO, but do let them know of the decision(s)

8.       Develop your budget, fundraising plan for the project(s)

9.       Raise the money!

10.   Celebrate the victories.


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