Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Rest vs. Stress

This post is actually my notes from a message that I presented to Real Men at New Life Church Greater Little Rock.  I work full time in Stewardship for New Life Church Arkansas.... Art

Rest vs. Stress                                     September 16, 2015

Ps. 95:7b-8a today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts and become spiritually dull…

Opening statement - You have a job, career, abilities…the question is “so what”?  What then?

This next moments we will talk about the “so what”.  If you have questions, take out a $20 bill, write your questions on it and give it to me after this.  (For those who don't know me, this statement is an attempt at a JOKE!)

1. GOD has a good plan for you.
Jer. 29:11 'For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.'

Matt. 11:28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

God has only good plans.  HE is our Father.  HE is not human – HE is perfect, knows us well and plans not only our lives, but plans each day when we get up.  HIS mercies are new every morning and HE is the leveler of our paths. The path HE makes for us each day leads to a life of peace, joy, laughter, love, rest and extreme abundance and productivity.  It is a life of NO REGRETS!  Who wants that?  HE takes even our bad decisions and blesses others and us from our stories.

2.  Satan distracts.
The devil knows that if we connect with God throughout the day, and hear HIM and follow what HE has for us, that we will have big impact on our cities for Jesus.  We will be involved in bringing JESUS' Kingdom to our earth as it is in Heaven. 

Satan will try to thwart that.  One of his tactics is distraction.  Think of David and Bathsheba, Samson and Delilah; think of Nehemiah and all the people who criticized him and wanted to stop him from rebuilding the wall. 

What distractions are you susceptible to?  Think about it.  Set guards up ahead of time.

The devil gets us to believe lies.  We believe his lies about who we are in God’s eyes.  We believe his lies about what others are doing/thinking about us.  We must recognize his lies and replace them with the TRUTH.

If we don’t partner with God, our PAPA, and invest in HIS Kingdom, we will use our money and talent to build our own kingdoms.  Work and success will not have much meaning; life will become mundane and ordinary. 

When that happens we get bored, feel unappreciated, begin criticizing others, self-medicate our pain and boredom and are trapped by satan.  We begin to believe his lies, instead of God’s truth.

Remember that GOD has the plan that leads us to live a blessed life, with meaning, joy and peace.  No regrets.  We must invest our lives and money into what matters.  The Lord’s Prayer says “…Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, NOW on earth as it is in Heaven.  That’s your purpose right there.  To bring HIS Kingdom rule into your world.  You don’t have to wait.  It can start right now!

3.  We trust Jesus.  Not faith in our faith, but faith in JESUS. 
We can rest there.  We trust God.  Got troubles?  Bring them to PAPA and look to His Word to find the truth of the situation.  Declare what HE says about your wife, family, kids, job, and personal issues, grief and then walk it out. 

If I asked you to write down words of how God describes you, what would you write?  Remember that if you have received Jesus, you are GOD’s sons.  HE says things like this about us – we are deeply loved and highly favored, we have the mind of Christ, we don’t have a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind, we are abundantly blessed, we don’t suffer lack or want or poverty, we are kings and priests and sons of the most High God!

Let God show you right now how much HE loves you.  Let Him describe how HE feels about you.  Give HIM all your pain and issues.  Put it all in His Hands.  This decision is irrevocable.  Once for all. 

Rest in Him and His ability to help you with each detail of your life and each opportunity or issue. 

The Bible teaches that we can choose to live a life that is blessed or cursed.  At NLC we believe in teaching us how to live a blessed life.  Invest in what matters.  Tithe, manage your money in a way that brings you peace, give offerings from your surplus to advance the Kingdom.  Why? Because it matters eternally!
We have classes and coaching on budgeting, planning, etc.  There are lots of guys that like to talk about this.  I can connect you with them or you can talk with me.

Papa, I ask that You show this reader how much you love him.  Please give him his next step to walk in Your blessed life.  In Jesus' Name. 

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