Monday, July 13, 2009

Asking - It Must Be Done Well

The topic of asking people for money incites emotion. Many fear it. Some like it and find it exciting. All charitable organizations have plenty of donors and probable donors. What they don't have are enough askers. What steps should be taken to make sure the task is done well?
  1. Training - the volunteers should be trained thoroughly in how to make a major gift ask
  2. Develop Worker kits - these are the materials that the volunteer takes with them to use on the call.
  3. Leadership - get influential ones who LOVE what you are doing
  4. Personal commitment to the organization. This may be the most important. The volunteer must make their own gift first! The value of the gift is not in its amount but in the fact that it has been given!

There are a lot of ways to use the method of volunteer solicitation. You can group them into a committee of askers, use the entire board (providing you recruited them properly), or use basic methods such as phone campaigns, personal web page campaigns and personal visits to manage the process of volunteer solicitation.

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