Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fundraising Basics

This is my first attempt at blogging. This blog will be my thoughts on the profession of fund raising for non-profits. I hope you will enjoy this and that you will feel free to communicate with me as to your issues and advice.

Let's get started...

Fundraising - the basics
The most effective way to raise money for your organization is to
  1. Determine why someone should support your organization with their time, influence and charitable contributions. This is called "the case for support" (more on this later).
  2. Figure out who your constituents are. Who benefits from your mission and who are those people that support your cause financially? List them.
  3. Write your "case" with the aforementioned people in mind.
  4. Have a formal meeting with those individuals, corporations and foundations that know and like your work, your people and/or your general cause and who have financial means in which to give. These concepts are called "affinity" and "capacity".
  5. Build solicitation materials
  6. Build a complete file on your probable donors based upon moves management.
Am I making sense? If these terms are unfamiliar then hire a consultant! :-) My email address is I would love the opportunity to visit with you about your specific questions.

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